An interesting dig if someone has the time.
Many years ago, early 90's, I used to come home on Friday night, order a pizza and salad, and watch TV with my hina.
One of the shows I watched was Unsolved Mysteries. This was back in the day when I used to subscribe to Popular Mechanics and someone ran a classified ad entitled "Hypersonic Spyplane landing at Top Secret Base". I sent the 15 bucks. 6 months later, I got my check back citing "Technical Difficulties" as the reason they could not ship my video. This was back in the Glenn "DesertRat" days.
So I am watching Unsolved Mysteries. The show has something about UFOs in it. In the last 30 seconds of the show, I saw what looked to be a short, fat, wide SR-71-looking craft at this really lush green base on an overcast day.
That, my frens, was in the peak of the Aurora hype train. The site was Machrinhanish (sp- who cares) and that was our new Mach 5 splyplane.
Shortly thereafter, we heard about a whole bunch of bird colonels dying in a helicopter crash in Scotland. The rumor mill said the chopper crossed her wake too close when she was taking off.
We have seen a humongous vapor belch off the coast of Oxnard which is very much in the flightline of the pacific test range.
She used to cross over El Segundo at 10:00AM every Thursday on the way home back in 1996-1997.
There is proof of that bird out there. She is elusive but she can be found and she is badder than fuck.
In the last 10 years, they have built a lot of different stuff. Think 60 degree planform that flies like a harrier. I have seen it once. They flew it up Miller Canyon on a pitch black moonlit weeknight, louder than hell, she turned over the ridge line and I could see her glowing white hot ducts and inward-canted tailfins.
They also have some 60 degree planform drones that literally hover. They make no noise. You can hear the turbo fans spool up with they move it horizontally but when it is hovering verically, you literally cannot hear it. Think BAE systems. Think the old March airfield. All of the infrastructure is there to run a program.
It is all right here in the southwest.
Some of you are going to say "Fuckin planefag, fuck your slide". The truth is, we have some shit, not even space shit, that is mind-boggling. I want to see some of it inb4 I die.