I had read somewhere that the enhanced THERMAL IMAGING video was withheld from the defense and that the infrared clearly indicates that Kyle's arm/weapon WAS NOT extended over the vehicle hood pointing at anyone. But I read POSO's twatting that it was the SIZE WITH ENHANCED RESOLUTION of the copy withheld which is the subject of the defense motion to dismiss with prejudice. Presumably, the clearer enhancement shows Kyle holding his rifle downwards in the low ready position. Is this whole thermal issue just a red herring or a rumor?
I thought the consensus here was that the forced vaxxcine was "the shot heard round the World" along with the deaths and adverse effects being the foretold "[SCARE] NECESSARY EVENT"? Or is this just a working theory?
I ask this because if we have YET to hear "the shot" or have YET to experience the "scare event", then we are going to need much tighter seat belts and valium IV drips. My teen Daughters taking the jab against my wishes, crying because they'd be disenrolled from their lefty ivies if they didn't, has already tuned my head gray and enraged every fiber of my being….against the Cabal AND against those White Hat Patriots who never stepped in and BLOCKED the maiming of my Children while they were all able to protect THEIR OWN loved ones from the poison.
May God help our cause if the latter is true and that the Patriots NEVER switched out the vaxxcine poison with harmless saline or that the Patriots don't have an antidote for the poison.
It that be the case A POX ON BOTH YOUR HOUSES!
No such vaugeries here anon. My two most precious maimed for life, along with tens/hundreds of thousands of others, had BETTER NOT be collateral damage.
I'll not give you the rageful response you elicit, Shill.