My kid did same for college. I trust God to cover those I love who think I'm a crazy QAnon conspiracy nut, like my kidanon, but the solution to the tyranny isn't to wait for unknown amount of unknown people to rescue us from our poor choices. The solution is to leave the Babylonian system, which includes schools. We build it, (((they))) will ALWAYS come. That's why kingdoms had castles and walls. The biggest lesson here is basically don't take candy from strangers. Trust yourself and your own circle. People will always do evil. We must be on guard for ourselves and by ourselves. Even having the federal government 'fix' the jab isn't solving the problem. It's mystery juice from mystery people with mystery intentions.
No. Fake Q is nice try, but rittenhouse is not that important to the average American. Most have no idea any of that happened. WE do.
The only thing that will get all average Americans angry enough to hit the streets is taking away their internet or power.
Ultimately it's choosing fear. That's the only power over us. Fear. No fear= not controllable.
The jabs are a complete mystery to the jabbed. No one is making a fully informed decision.