Anonymous ID: 664f0e Nov. 17, 2021, 11:22 a.m. No.15021340   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1345

ATTN Legacy Media shills


The satanist pedovore mind control era is over.


290 million Americans want the truth; including the truth about the gas lighting of America – MSM media complicity in C_A social subversion operations.


Entertainment company executives who think movies like NORMAL on HBO are the product of creative competition to meet audience demand will be surprised to discover that MI, POTUS and anons of QR all see it as subversive IO, a destructive psyop, one of hundreds run by MSM/legacy media against an unwitting civilian population.


Whether the public is aware, or ever becomes aware, of the harm done by MSM/legacy media content shilling, anons know, POTUS knows and MI knows.


Media companies closely associated with satanic mind control like Disney testify to the destructive nature and subversive power of cult mind warfare tactics.


Media shills and entertainment companies prepared to repent, to admit their role in social and sexual subversion and atone for decades evil must make a 180 reversal; stop destroying, start repairing and rebuilding, and begin undoing the harm they have done to civilization, the US and throughout the world.


A Turkish proverb says “No matter how far down the wrong road you have gone, turn back.”


Repairing damage for legacy media content means initiating a cross platform, all format, surge of error corrected, future positive, neural malware-free news and entertainment content, without subliminal or subsonic embeds, hypnotic induction or “side band” symbolic language technologies targeting our unconscious below the threshold of awareness.


Restoring the integrity of our news and entertainment media means resuming our journey toward the light, as individuals and as a species, and start of the long process undoing the harm done our minds by decades of satanic IO.



Anonymous ID: 664f0e Nov. 17, 2021, 11:24 a.m. No.15021378   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The use of an array of tactics to baffle the perception in conflict is not new, nor is the strategy confined to the human species. Predators who exploit the perceptual deficiencies of prey are common in nature. As human hunters wear camouflage, spread scents and simulate game calls to imitate prey animals, Paussid beetles forge chemical signals, blinding ant species they prey on to their presence among them in the nest. A famous human group employed similar tactics. Hasan ibn Sabah’s Assassins.


Ibn Sabah allegedly learned his art of mind control from priests of the mysteries in Egypt, but whatever the origin of the tactics, the Assassins used hypnotic induction, symbolism, stage magic and drugs create a belief system which insured 100 % loyalty and instant compliance with leader’s instructions. Nation state rulers have great difficulty securing large numbers of people willing to die on command.

Hasan al Sabah’s Assassins prospered for 300 years and spread their agents through the middle east because they could create adherents who would raise families, live amongst the opponent for 30 years, and remain loyal and instantly obedient to leader’s orders – even when ordered to commit assassinations certain to result in capture and execution.


Some beetles are walking organic chem labs, they synthesize explosives, chemical warfare agents, sex changing molecules – ‘’’they read and write the language of the victims perceptions.’’’


"Ant-nest beetles (Paussus) are the quintessential Trojan horses of the insect world. ‘’’They hack the complex communication system of ants, allowing them to blend into the ant society and be treated as royalty, all the while preying upon the ants and the ants' brood and duping the ants into rearing their young. ‘’’


How would we transpose this pattern. To what other species might this apply?

…Here we present results of the first molecular-based phylogeny of ant-nest beetles, which reveals that this symbiosis has produced one of the most stunning examples of rapid adaptive radiation documented to date.


‘’’A very successful strategy. ‘’’


Human beings perceive only a narrow band of visible light wave lengths and hear only a narrow range sound frequencies. Not one human in a million recognize the large blind spot in the middle of our visual field until it is demonstrated to us. We're never suspect our sense are not all there is, or other species could possibly take advantage of our limited perception.



Anonymous ID: 664f0e Nov. 17, 2021, 11:25 a.m. No.15021379   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1408

The use of an array of tactics to baffle the perception in conflict is not new, nor is the strategy confined to the human species. Predators who exploit the perceptual deficiencies of prey are common in nature. As human hunters wear camouflage, spread scents and simulate game calls to imitate prey animals, Paussid beetles forge chemical signals, blinding ant species they prey on to their presence among them in the nest. A famous human group employed similar tactics. Hasan ibn Sabah’s Assassins.


Ibn Sabah allegedly learned his art of mind control from priests of the mysteries in Egypt, but whatever the origin of the tactics, the Assassins used hypnotic induction, symbolism, stage magic and drugs create a belief system which insured 100 % loyalty and instant compliance with leader’s instructions. Nation state rulers have great difficulty securing large numbers of people willing to die on command.

Hasan al Sabah’s Assassins prospered for 300 years and spread their agents through the middle east because they could create adherents who would raise families, live amongst the opponent for 30 years, and remain loyal and instantly obedient to leader’s orders – even when ordered to commit assassinations certain to result in capture and execution.


Some beetles are walking organic chem labs, they synthesize explosives, chemical warfare agents, sex changing molecules – ‘’’they read and write the language of the victims perceptions.’’’


"Ant-nest beetles (Paussus) are the quintessential Trojan horses of the insect world. ‘’’They hack the complex communication system of ants, allowing them to blend into the ant society and be treated as royalty, all the while preying upon the ants and the ants' brood and duping the ants into rearing their young. ‘’’


How would we transpose this pattern. To what other species might this apply?

…Here we present results of the first molecular-based phylogeny of ant-nest beetles, which reveals that this symbiosis has produced one of the most stunning examples of rapid adaptive radiation documented to date.


‘’’A very successful strategy. ‘’’


Human beings perceive only a narrow band of visible light wave lengths and hear only a narrow range sound frequencies. Not one human in a million recognize the large blind spot in the middle of our visual field until it is demonstrated to us. We're never suspect our sense are not all there is, or other species could possibly take advantage of our limited perception.