4 Captchas so far today.
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Anons realize what is happening, what they don’t want us to see, discover, observe. Too late! We Know!
4 Captchas so far today.
Pics aren’t loading again.
Anons realize what is happening, what they don’t want us to see, discover, observe. Too late! We Know!
4 Captchas so far today.
Pics aren’t loading again.
Anons realize what is happening, what they don’t want us to see, discover, observe. Too late! We Know!
She also bought a shortwave radio! Covert comms for fucking sure! Her explanation for the equipment is funny!
Do the clowns have their Russian team here, today?
Do me a favor look into this if you get a chance.
2 more weeks
Listening to closing by defense was very brutal, said yo wifey “this tucking guy is purposely fucking up and confusing the jury by jumping all over the place. Like he was blurting out notes he down during the trial at key points. The defense attorney was horrible!