The evil monsters who have seized earth and seek to destroy all good and Godly things are going to unleash a variation of smallpox to decimate mankind.
Dark Winter. Bill Gates' decades of incessant depopulation vaccination 'warnings' while he is one of the primary architects and funders of depopulation. His smirks re "second pandemic will grab your attention." Global Covid mandatory vax to destroy immune system. Demand to spend billions on "germ games" and smallpox outbreak. Massive smallpox drug delivery. Vials labeled smallpox suddenly "discovered." 4chan prophesy. Dark Winter.
You cannot trust this "new" smallpox to be like the old. It will be another lab bioengineered warfare weapon, 'enhanced.' Likewise the new "vaccine" or "medication" for the new smallpox. Trojan Horse of death and DNA mutation.
Smallpox was never eradicated from earth. But it was kept at bay. Why? So the world's population would have zero herd immunity. Resistance had been built up for centuries even as smallpox wiped out entire continents there were still survivors who developed resistance, having survived smallpox or variolation deliberate infection via skin scrape with smallpox postule from a survivor.
The smallpox virus was stored in multiple lab freezers all around the world. It was hoarded by terrorists. It was kept by all manner of psychopaths in various organizations. It was also kept by smart ppl to be used as a preventative in case of another outbreak. The Soviets made enormous amounts of weaponized smallpox powder and loaded their intercontinental missiles with it in Siberia. When the Soviet Union collapsed, a lot of that smallpox powder was sold to all sorts of groups and ppl.
But there is another vast reservoir all over earth of smallpox. The virus goes into bones. It remains alive but dormant in bones. It is resurrected by scratching or rubbing again live skin. This is how it always spread in past centuries, by rodents gnawing on bones. Because smallpox spreads so easily via objects, burial became prohibited unless in mass graves or lead lined coffins. It could not escape lead lined coffins and the rodents couldn't break in to gnaw the bones. But those lead lined coffins preserved the smallpox virus in the entombed bones. Families who could afford a lead lined coffin chose to bury their deceased this way.
All over the world, in cemeteries, in residence backyards, lost to the annals of time, are skeletons in lead lined coffins with preserved smallpox virus in the bones. The information was kept secret but one can glean it in scientific articles.
Because Afghanistan traditionally kept smallpox in bones in horns in caves, they were bombed in those caves to smithereens after 911, with the excuse that Bin Laden escaped there, which was not true. It was an effort to thwart the jihaters from attacking with their reserves of smallpox. And to prevent natural immunity now.
Time travel is real. It means that whatever has ever existed, can still be accessed. This is another reason why nothing is ever eradicated.
If a person was young and healthy and wanted to survive, and wanted his family to survive, he could use the above factual information to pull it off. Yes it is risky and would take several persons to work it, but it can be done. It would be the only way to get immunity without succumbing to the new disease and new vaccinations and medications. If a smart patriot wants to live badly enough, he will use his intelligence to survive.
This is the information you need to save the human race.