Anonymous ID: 8f557a May 21, 2018, 10:39 p.m. No.1502415   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2686

An explanation to this scene: Architect greets Neo. He tells Neo that he knows he will ask Why am I here. He explains to him that the question he is about to ask(why am I here) is the most irrelevant. He explains that Neo is an Anomaly(what we call The one). Despite the Architechs best efforts in creating the Matrix, someone, somewhere, will always become aware of the program(the Matrix) and instinctively rebel against it. This is what led Neo to seeking out Morpehues since the beginning of the series. While Neo is The One, he was never the only One and there were 5 others before him. Each of these Anomaly ended up Ushering a new civilization outside of the Matrix, aiming to rid themselves of the shackles of it. This is what the current Zion is. Before Neo, there was another Anomaly that allowed Zion to Flourish. The Architect lets this happen, as he explains. It is a problem, and left unchecked will be their undoing, but it's possible to be under his control. After allowing Zion to grow to a certain stage, he wipes it out with his armies(as he explains to Neo this is will be the 6th time he has destroyed Zion) and allows the current Anomaly(Neo in this case) to kickstart a new civilization from scratch. The problem here is that while other Anomallies shared love for the entire human race, Neo himself does not want Trinity to die and rejects the Architects offer, which royally screws over everything(but in the end leads to salvation by the end of the Matrix third movie). The stuff he was talking about the Oracle, you have to look at the backstories of the Matrix that aren't explained in the movies. In the first movie, Agent Smith told Morpheus how the first iteration of the matrix was a perfect world with no misery and suffering, only to lead to disaster. Learning on this, and allowing the Anomally to make a new civilization, he created a new version of the Matrix. Convinced that humans wanted Misery and Suffering, he made increasingly grueling and darker worlds, one where folktales like vampires and ghosts were real and would kill humans constantly and they lived in fear. This also didn't work. But certain programs like the Merovingian(that really fancy dude who goes through the doors) smuggled in these programs from previous versions of the Matrix. Those super-powered guys Neo fights in the Chateu scene are vampires, rogue programs from a previous iteration of the Matrix, I believe this is also why in the Shootout in the third movie they start running on the ceiling like lunatics, it's in their programs nature. Also those Twins, they are ghosts in the most literal sense. Through the Oracles studies, she learned that the most recent version of the Matrix was the best solution. In current civilization, the idea is that humanity believes they have a choice in their lives. This causes them to instinctively accept the Matrix program. The only exception is the Anomally, and the civilization in Zion. The problem with the Anomaly is that he sways others. He disrupts their more base desire to accept the Matrix and causes them to rebel and so the Arcitect has to keep going through cycles where he allows the one to have his hollywood moment where he inspires thousands, and then wipes them out collectively until a new one arrives.๏ปฟ

this is some fucked up shit right here

Anonymous ID: 8f557a May 21, 2018, 11:11 p.m. No.1502659   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2703



are they not people in the sense that they dont have the same spirit as us ? or are they literally not people nat center for exploited children says 400k. thats alot of kids to be grabbed in a year.. what are they doing with them ? would it even be possible to "eat" that many kids