Anonymous ID: e5b361 May 21, 2018, 11:28 p.m. No.1502780   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2861


Agencies are considered "independent" when the head of the agency is removable only for cause, and appointed for a period of years. Typically, these 'independent" agencies also have requirements that only so many members of the board belong to the same political party, e.g., the FEC. This is different than the DoJ, Treasury, Homeland Security, HHS, etc., as these appointments may be removed without cause, and serve at the pleasure of the President (no fixed term).


Obviously, we know that institutions such as the Fed, the FEC, the SEC, the FBI, etc. aren't so independent.


I actually took admin law this last semester, and my professor was someone who worked for Obama's DHS, defending the ACA from various legal challenges. Pretty smart, yet so stupid.

Anonymous ID: e5b361 May 21, 2018, 11:54 p.m. No.1502938   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3008 >>3039


Programming is still done the same way it's been done for thousands of years, dating back to Egypt. The only thing that's changed is that the art of 'alchemy' became a science thanks to the Nazis.


How has it always been done? Sodomy and torture.


What's the point of sodomy and torture? Sodomy triggers some nerve humans have in the base of their spine that results in a state of increased suggestibility. Torture causes a person's mind to splinter into a fragment in order to protect itself (dissociating).


This process of creating dissociated identities is more easily, efficiently, and effectively, done in children, beginning at the age of 3.


Memory is capable of being compartmentalized, so various identities in an individual may take the body and not have an recollection of the memories of other alters.


The purpose of sacrifices is to induce dissociation. A child witnessing another child being skinned alive, or mauled by dogs, or a child being forced to kill and eat another child, often creates a dissociative identity. Combine this with drugs, and hypnosis, and you can efficiently program a child just like you program a computer. These people are slaves. They have no agency. Their brain is an extension of another's. I believe Obama is one such slave, his handler is Valerie Jarrett.


The worse and more gruesome the sacrifice, as in a case of a black mass, the stronger the splits. The splits created by these extraordinarily traumatic experiences often form the basis of the darkest alters, that are high in the hierarchy of controlling the entire system.


A slave, upon hearing a specific sequence of numbers over the telephone, can be programmed. This is one of the advantages that Q team has. (((They))) can't do this anymore, as they would be giving their slave's codes away via intercepted sigint. Why does Valerie Jarrett live w/Obama?


There's so much more to this subject, it's truly sickening stuff, and it's also the reason so many of these people are pedophiles. It was done to them, and their outer alter's sexual proclivities are influenced by their deeper/darker alters.


Something else to note is that many of these Luciferians/Satanists (they are distinct groups, although the Luciferians seem to be in control of the Satanists) are not programmed, and simply buy into the selfish ideology and aren't complicit in every aspect. Some are.

Anonymous ID: e5b361 May 22, 2018, 12:17 a.m. No.1503068   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3105


Slaves have Slaves. It's part of the hierarchy. Few alters know they are slaves however.


It happens to ordinary people, and it happens to bloodline families. The programming these groups receive is different however, as the bloodlines are more interested in preserving a particular 'spirit'.


The black forest rituals are just that, rituals, to create dissociative states in children. The thing to think about is that these people don't consider themselves individual, they are illuminated in the light of lucifer, the illuminati. You can see where the concept of collectivism comes from. The bloodline families will conduct the same rituals they were a part of with their children, expose them to the same torture, program them with the same 'demons', and teach them the same ideologies. The bloodline children are an extension of the parent, which is an extension of the parent, so on and so forth, all acting in furtherance of 'lucifer'. Although, I strongly suspect the Rothschilds have a specific programming that their family receives. It's all about control, a big pyramid scheme for control.

Anonymous ID: e5b361 May 22, 2018, 12:26 a.m. No.1503110   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Click the links in the sodomy one, much information to be had