For those keeping score. Orange wearing white guy/BLM stooge sucker punched a reporter, got arrested. The ORANGE caught anon's eye and the BART SIMPSON backpack. They have an episode for that? kek
"Two people were arrested on Wednesday evening as violent scuffles broke out outside the courtroom in Kenosha where the 12-person jury are deliberating the fate of Kyle Rittenhouse.
Tensions rose when a 20-year-old man wearing a 'F**k Kyle' T-shirt, Bart Simpson backpack, and Chicago Bulls beanie was arrested after scuffling with prominent Rittenhouse supporter Emily Cahill.
The two traded insults before the man threw a protest sign at Cahill.
He and fellow anti-Rittenhouse protestors tried to wrestle the sign back and as he was being pulled off Cahill he sucker-punched one reporter in the jaw.
Other protestors tried unsuccessfully to lead the man away and calm him down, but he then went on to strike several other people — including a photographer — before being pinned to the ground and hauled away in a paddy wagon.
He was heard calling for his mother as the vehicle pulled away."
The Daily Mail tossed in the "calling for his mother" line for keks, their photographer got sucker punched. Funny shit.