WASHINGTON: "Four people were arrested by United States Capitol Police and charged with disorderly conduct after pouring human ashes on the front steps of the Russell Senate Office Building on Wednesday, November 17. The ashes belonged to the loved ones of those arrested. The remains were scattered as part of a rally that was demanding the Senate pass Bill 2297 as an amendment added to the National Defense Authorization Act. The bill is formally called The International Pandemic Preparedness and COVID Response Act of 2021. Among other things, it would provide a way for the world to be vaccinated against the virus, and help ensure that another pandemic does not happen. The group that showed up for the rally and march to the Senate was filled with COVID-19 survivors and those who lost loved ones to the virus.
People from across the country came for the rally. Rosie Davis, who is the founder of the Yellow Heart Memorial, came from Texas. She said, “This pandemic is not just an American problem. It’s a global problem, and unless we have vaccines worldwide, that’s the only way this is going to end.”