Is the reason I'm not right for your production cast because I'm too white, not fag or unvaccinated?
Miss you
Dear friends, Elon, Jeff, Jackx2, Bill and Fam. I hope you understand one day (which I believe you all have) there is so much more in life to enjoy than material things (which I still want to enjoy to a fault.) Know I love you all, but not more than God; I'll also fuck your x, and only ask His forgiveness.
What's more sad? You're the shit, or I'm your boss?
Nice tits.
You know it's just me, and I meant nice hair. Damn autocorrect.
niggardly look it up
That shit is funny
Anybody who has a problem with using nigger with indescretion shall never use the word bitch when describing a female human ever again.
More like a nation of pussies.