This needs to be clarified, as it implies that those over the age if 45 can be denied 2A rights.
I'm restricted from FB yet again for making a sexual comment about a cartoon character, but just read through a vaxx thread.
We are losing this Billy. Their constant lies have etched themselves into their brains and the slow roll of damning info is having zero effect.
Helpful analogy for the experimental vaxx argument when someone says they've been studied for over a decade:
Setup: the mRNA is simply the instructions. In this analogy it will be equivalent to an envelope sent in the mail.
Bring up the ricin or Anthrax mails (ricin works better) and say that it's impossible that happened because mail had been used for centuries.
Then bring up the mRNA/envelope equivalency. How "safe" would this be if we sent instructions to the ribosome make Ricin? Deadly right? Then ask when the spike proteins from Cov-2 were isolated. Should be under 2 years.
Then how could these mRNA vaxxes that send instructions to.manufacture the (pathogenic) spike proteins have been studied long term? They can't.
What are the long term effects of flooding the body with (pathogenic) spike proteins? We have no idea yet.
Shitposting is the best medicine.
So raping kids and cannibalism are cool? Because neither of those are in the 10 commandments .