Fundamental rights, which up until yesterday were presented as inviolable, have been trampled underfoot in the name of an emergency: today a health emergency, tomorrow an ecological emergency, and after that an internet emergency.
not today shill
not so.
In the face of this global coup d’état, it is necessary to form an international Anti-Globalist Alliance, which gathers all those who want to oppose the dictatorship, who have no intention of becoming slaves to a faceless power, who are not willing to cancel their own identity, their own individuality, their own religious faith.
Crain's calling end of "crypto bubble" probably means it's just getting started.
that guy's a moron
reeducation assignment
9-8. Newspapers and magazines are extremely powerful means of
transmitting a PSYOP message. They have some unique production
considerations. Both media can be prohibitively costly. Furthermore, both
media may be a waste of effort and resources if used in the wrong phase of
operations or with the wrong TA.
9-9. Newspapers are often very effective with a TA in countries or regions
that lack news and particularly newspapers. TAs often consider newspapers
authoritative and credible. However, if TAA indicates that the TA considers
newspapers suspect due to censorship or government control, it is unlikely
that PSYOP can create credibility. Newspapers are best used in news- and
information-denied areas. They will often be ineffective if the TA continues to
receive news by means such as international radio or television news
organizations. Newspapers will also often be ineffective if in-country papers
are in print.
9-10. Newspapers produced by PSYOP should provide timely, truthful news
and entertainment in a format familiar to the TA. Stories should not be
exclusively supporting whatever POs and SPOs are contained in the PSYOP
plan. These stories, such as the building of a new hospital by coalition forces,
should be balanced with pure human interest and some entertainment
features. Overt PSYOP messages should be just that. They should be clear
PSYOP messages set off in much the same way as advertising with the source
clearly visible. News stories must be as unbiased as possible. Credibility is
critical. Carrying a story that may initially be damaging to the image of U.S.
or HN forces (for example, the truthful covering of an accidental mistargeting
of munitions) may pay off in both credibility and positive public opinion
further down the road.
9-11. Newspapers should be produced on good quality newsprint with good
inks. If some color can be incorporated, it should be considered, although this
will raise production costs. A newspaper should not be done if it cannot be sufficient in size and content to be attractive to the TA. The PSYOP-produced
newspapers generated in the past have been distributed freely but often sold
by members of the TA. Very little can be done about this other than to clearly
display that the paper is free on the front page. The practice of the TA selling
the PSYOP-produced paper is an impact indicator of its acceptability. The
PSYOP newspaper should provide public service space to local charities or
legitimate HN government agencies if possible, but no advertising should be
done on a commercial basis
was the bannon arrest an op to endear him to muh peeps