The Dimensional Merge is an apocalyptic metaphysical event that has been foretold by the great prophet, Christina Weston Chandler (A.K.A. Chris Chan). This prophecy states that every fictional character or world ever exists for real in alternate universes, and that all of the "fictional" dimensions are destined to merge with ours, resulting in a reality where fiction and non-fiction are one and the same. It is unknown what effects the dimensional merge will have on everyday life after it occurs, but some suspect that the early stages of the merge will be reminiscent of movies such as "Who Framed Roger Rabbit."
If the Dimensional Merge prophecy is true, it may have several far-reaching and existential implications about how the multiverse itself works. If a sentient mind creates a fictional world for a book, movie or show, a universe that is a real-life version of that piece of media will come into existence. Most disturbingly, this would also include demented, highly contentious media such as bad DeviantART OCs, fictionalized depictions of real people, and of course, Chris Chan's own fictional town of CWCville. This also implies that all religions are real, since deities such as God, Allah, Vishnu and Ra are technically just fictional characters. In the words of Chris Chan, "Jesus is an OC, and is therefore real. Even your original character may be real in another dimension."
Although many theories can be made about the Dimensional Merge, it is uncertain when it will happen or how. Some theories state that the Dimensional Merge will be triggered by artificial means. Other scholars believe that the Dimensional Merge will occur naturally, with the heat death of our universe being the catalyst for the event.
The "Fourth Wall" Theory
The "Fourth Wall" Theory is a concept in hypothetical quantum physics that states that dimensions in the multiverse are bordered by trans-dimensional "barriers". These theoretical barriers are called "fourth walls", and supposedly prevent neighboring universes from converging with one another. "Fourth Wall" theory is often associated with the prophecy of the Dimensional Merge by some quantum physicists. If there is indeed a connection between the two, it can be assumed that breaking the fourth wall would cause the Merge to happen.
It is believed that many fictional characters have the ability to see through the fourth wall to acknowledge outside observers. This often occurs in the form of TV characters looking at the viewer when speaking, winking at the viewer when making a sex joke, and occasionally even addressing their baseline reality creators directly, implying knowlege of their own fictional origins. Though these occurences are often called "fourth wall breaks", the term is non-literal in this context.
Did it already happen in OneyPlays?
The universe of OneyPlays is an alternate reality that is essentially a semi-dimensionally merged duplicate of our own, and is intrinsically connected to ours in terms of events and, even more strongly, ideas. In this reality, real people from our world exist in it as caricatured doppelgangers called "thumbnail avatars"[1]. In more extreme examples, some real-life individuals in this world will exist in the form of their baseline reality counterparts' self-insert OC. and few fictional characters and ideas exist there as well.
Whenever the real-life counterparts of the funny boys make up story about themselves for the sake of a bit in our reality, it becomes true in the OneyPlays Universe. For example, N-Gin is the father of Julian, and Ding Dong once married Crash Bandicoot. For this reason, made up characters such as Smibnor, Dark Ding and Anti Chris also exist as well, even if the real-life counterparts of the hosts directly admit to making them up on occasion. Hypotheticals, however, remain fictional in this reality (for the most part).