can't fucking stand the smolhat tribe
it's just a cohenicidence one could say
the best way to break the law and get away with it is to have a lawfag on retainer
of course a person needs the funds to be able to afford such an endeavor
i find it curious that a mossad blackmailer would hire an obvious cia glownigger to represent her
once again showing the two to be in bed with each other
as if the cia headquarters in tel aviv and their steady contacts with journalists wasn't enough
old age hasn't been too kind to ol' mick
yea they met with tim osm…i mean osama bin laden's brother the day before 9/11 along with bush on american clay
not really
wamenz just want a faggot with a lot of money to buy them fancy shit so they can show to their friends and people they don't give a shit about
they couldn't care less if their kid came out looking like that retard from the goonies as long as they got a lavish lifestyle