>All this for a LARP?
Yeah, absolutely.
What better way to divide the country via polarization than to give it 24/7 media coverage and validity for 4-5 years.
>All this for a LARP?
Yeah, absolutely.
What better way to divide the country via polarization than to give it 24/7 media coverage and validity for 4-5 years.
You lick the ass of your slave masters.
As you've been programmed to do.
But I still love and forgive you, for you know no better.
Of course you are.
The psyop to divide the country (the plan) worked perfectly and now the country burns.
Q will never be back, they did their job.
Hard to cry when I'm smiling from being right.
Just here to help wake up the normies still trapped in the zionist plan.
"For FY2020, the Trump Administration requested $3.3 billion in FMF for Israel and $500 million in missile defense aid to mark the second year of the MOU. The Administration also requested $5 million in MRA humanitarian funding for migrants to Israel."
In a sea of sycophantic Trump worshipping ass lickers one voice needs to stand out from the crowd of NPC's.