Anonymous ID: 075abb May 22, 2018, 3:04 a.m. No.1503775   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Haters gotta hate. Former classmates attacking JK


Our Class of '03 finally has a real, live fascist among us': Jared Kushner's Harvard classmates savage the President's son-in-law ahead of their 15th reunion

Jared Kushner's former Harvard classmates have heaped scorn upon him in their 15th Anniversary Report, savaging President Donald Trump's son-in-law for his role at the White House.


Ben Wikler, a fellow member of the Class of 2003, shared the brutal excepts from the class report on Twitter ahead of the 15th Reunion, scheduled for later this week in Cambridge, Massachusetts.


Kushner has not publicly RSVP'd to the reunion, and did not contribute to the class report, intended as a way to share life updates.


'I, for one, am actually glad that our Class of '03 finally has a real, live fascist among us. Who says Harvard isn't diverse!' wrote Jon Sherman, a lawyer for the Fair Election Center.

I've always wanted to meet someone who is as unfamiliar with the principles of democratic self-government or the history of twentieth-century ideologies that resulted in mass slaughter as he is with how to grow a beard,' Sherman wrote. 'Poor dude - probably just wishes he could walk around New York again without anyone calling him a traitor or collaborator.'


According to Wikler, the Washington director for progressive policy advocacy group MoveOn, Kushner himself did not contribute to the class report.


But other classmates had plenty to say about him in their own contributions, particularly about the fact that Kushner was accepted to Harvard following his real estate mogul father's multi-million dollar donation pledge.


'In future, I hope Harvard shows better standards in its fundraising and admissions, if only because Kushner has caused so many Harvard graduates to waste precious time and money combating his family's terrible agenda,' wrote Chanda Prescod-Weinstein, a theoretical physicist and cosmologist.


'That's money we might have donated to Harvard, and time we might have spent doing notable, prize-winning work.'



Anonymous ID: 075abb May 22, 2018, 3:05 a.m. No.1503780   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3784

'We are beyond Watergate': George W. Bush's ethics czar says there is more 'abuse of power' evidence against Trump than there was against Nixon



Anonymous ID: 075abb May 22, 2018, 3:44 a.m. No.1503923   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Victims' identities must be kept secret by law but Google's 'related search' function could be revealing the names of victims alongside their attackers.

THE identity of rape ­victims can be found on Google, it was claimed last night.


When an attacker’s name is typed into the search engine, the name of their victim — which must be anonymous by law — is often automatically shown too, according to The Times.

Google’s “related search” and “autocomplete” functions help users search for information related to their queries — which means it could inadvertently reveal information about victims.


Google’s software records these searches, and then reportedly ends up suggesting victims’ names to other internet users.


Fay Maxted, chief executive of rape charity the Survivors Trust, said the claims were “beyond shocking”. The Times said it found four examples of victims — two rape victims, a sexual abuse victim, and a violent crime case — whose IDs were revealed by Google.

