Anonymous ID: 6d03ef May 22, 2018, 1:19 a.m. No.1503353   🗄️.is 🔗kun


judge kimba wood…


A California couple who once filed a lawsuit accusing President Trump of being the Illuminati’s stealth candidate and a leader of the New World Order has now filed court papers in the legal saga surrounding Michael Cohen.


Since April, Janis and Gregory Kaighn have filed two letters to U.S. District Judge Kimba Wood, who is presiding over Cohen’s case. (Cohen, Trump’s embattled personal attorney, has waged a court battle to limit prosecutors’ review of his attorney-client records after the FBI raided his home, office, and hotel.)


On Monday, the Kaighns’ bizarre letters became part of the Southern District of New York’s official public record. The couple first wrote to Wood on April 23 “for the purpose of asserting our rights as crime victims,” the letter states.


The Kaighns claim their son was kidnapped “by persons acting on behalf of” Trump and Cohen in 2016 and that they have an audiotape to prove it. “We have every reason to believe that information related to both of us and our son is included in the materials seized from Michael Cohen,” the Kaighns wrote.


While the couple claims their child was snatched away by Trump conspirators, a review of social media posts suggests he is free and well.


The missives come as Michael Avenatti, Stormy Daniels’ fast-talking lawyer, seeks to intervene in the Cohen legal drama.


Attorney Peter Gleason is also requesting a protective order for his own Cohen communications. In court filings, Gleason said he represented two women who accused former New York attorney general Eric Schneiderman of sexual abuse. According to Gleason’s letter to Wood, he shared dirt on the now-disgraced Schneiderman with Cohen in 2013, as Trump mulled a run for governor of New York.




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Gleason’s clients did not participate in the New Yorker exposé about Schneiderman’s alleged misconduct, journalist Jane Mayer said.


On May 17, the Kaighns wrote Wood again. They said, “for reasons unexplained, our letter has not been filed in the public records of this case,” while Gleason’s made it to the court file. They latched onto Gleason’s second letter to the judge, filed last week, which described corruption in New York politics.


“Mr. Gleason is completely correct about corruption in New York; but the corruption he describes is originating with Donald Trump and Michael Cohen,” the Kaighns wrote.


“As we previously stated, a sitting President can be criminally indicted while in office,” the couple continued. “We are not amused by the wacky statements coming from Rudy Giuliani over whether a sitting president can or cannot be indicted.”


Lawyers for Trump demanded the Kaighns’ “Illuminati” suit be dismissed for a panoply of reasons, including that their complaint “fails to properly identify relevant evidentiary facts and applicable law.”