Anonymous ID: c65f56 May 22, 2018, 1:45 a.m. No.1503479   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3518


DI might still bring attention to these things, but AJ has gone way into the infomercials. Choice between insanity and compromise for profits, what everyone so far has been faced with.



This is how the cabal does the mk-ultra, such a struggle for so many to understand because it doesn't make sense until the demonic realm is a factor. You can see it in the clown shills, too. It's not about shitposting for the lulz, which everyone on the chans is doing, but these devils are serious. Devil's greatest trick and all that entails. It's against the rules of the road to evn acknowledge these things among the normies when talking politics. But, Q post verse from the Bible, immediately it triggers them, how much of it is in the bread. It's as though the Internet can be a portal into Hell sometimes.

Anonymous ID: c65f56 May 22, 2018, 2:27 a.m. No.1503653   🗄️.is 🔗kun


People get carried away, swept up into the whirlwind, and it's reinforced with social anxiety. The demonic powers use people, the Internet is just machinery, clockworks. It could be an Aladin's lamp situation, I suppose, but these things haven't been granting me any wishes, that I can tell you. Because I've been watching the shills more than digging up notables, the most skillful ones are reading the breadcrumbs and injecting disinfo as quickly as possible. Anything to misconstrue the meaning, anything to mislead anons down the wrong path. It only works where people are too afraid of appearing foolish, or too angry to be logical.