A pedo-sting in Italy has netted a number of arrests, including a Catholic priest who's involved in Caritas (the European equivalent of Catholic Charities) and who has openly attacked Matteo Salvini in the past.
"There is also a priest in the paedophile network dismantled by an operation of the Turin postal police coordinated by the prosecutor's office. The news of the house arrest of the director of Caritas Benevento don Nicola de Blasio, had emerged in recent days, but the investigations conducted by Turin investigators have been much broader and have led to the arrest of a 37-year-old Turin computer technician found in possession of a real computer archive of child pornography. In Bari, on the other hand, investigators arrested a student, a minor at the time of the events, accused of being the creator of a paid online platform on which he spread links to photos and videos. To enter his channel it was necessary to have his enable, pay a subscription.
"The "Meet Up" operation, which stopped the trafficking of child pornography, counts 26 suspects. For them, the searches ordered by the Organized Crime and Computer Crimes Group of the Turin prosecutor's Office took place. They have been performed, in addition to Piedmont, in Campania, Emilia Romagna, Lazio, Liguria, Lombardy, Puglia, Sicily, Tuscany, Umbria, Veneto. Six of the people searched are minors. The seized material is huge and it will take days to check the contents of seized computers, tablets and mobile phones that will now be subjected to forensic analysis."
(Machine translation of some paragraphs)
In other news stories the priest has claimed that he was doing "research into pedophilia" several years ago and "forgot" that the images were on his computer.