Anonymous ID: 89ee4c May 22, 2018, 7:10 a.m. No.1505114   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Stay the course, (((They))) are all exposing themselves. If POTUS has enlisted Haspel, you can bet your last dollar there's a good reason for it. Maybe she'll be just another pawn used, like Tillerson. Never lose sight of the fact that President Trunp has rubbed shoulders with all of (((them))) over his entire career, and has been taking names all along. Assessing strengths & weaknesses, he uses those best suited to a specific task at a specific time, in order to accomplish a specific goal that moves the ball down field. We are taking down a 6000 year old Satanic child raping sacrificing & consuming death cult, whose greatest powers are exploiting Greed & Lust, financial & influential through MSM & Pedowood, but strings are being cut, ALL their evil deeds are known by the NSA & those that are loudest have the most to hide & their panic & fear is palpable

lWe Oldfag Anons have been channing so to speak for a long time & see a broader picture, having delved into all the intricacies of this giant compartmentalized conspiracy, have identified its main players & Q's drops have corroborated those long standing findings. Let us do our work. This is a D5 avalanche & the snowball has grown to ginormous proportions & cannot be stopped. Congress & Senate's comped members are being outed, the resignations list grows daily as well as the sealed indictments . Have Faith & Patience, it serves this Oldfag well.