I am a researcher and in my work I end up talking to alot of families about medical conditions and situations with loved ones. I am NOT a doc, but do have a model of human function a bit different than we were taught in high school, AND it is a predictive model…which isUSEFULto say the least…have posted it here and will continue to…
Cancer is fascinating. I can easy make you SUPER DUPER susceptible to cancer just by allowing you to uptake more iron into serum blood. This has the effect of slowing down your immune response which give cancer some time to take hold.
I have at least 2 folks I work with who have a child with brain glioma which is a death sentence basically. BOTH of these kiddos are getting better and both are shrinking there tumors. BOTH are using either Mebendazole (human) or Fenbendazole (mammal). Menben you need a prescription for, Fenben you can buy at a feed store. Both work equally well…
I know some anons also looking at anti-parasitics and would STRONGLY =STRONGLYencourage everyone to look atCLAYand how it chelates=removes graphene oxide…
My working theory is that there is a mitochondrial parasite we are dealing with. THEY are infecting us. WE are suppose to live to 80 and die after needing a host of medications, surgery, and the like over the course of our SICKENED and DIMINISHED lives…