Ever been to the Palomino Valley Corrals? On a good day it's almost standing room only. There is WAY to fucking many feral Horses around here.
I advocate for a hunting season on them. Cheaper and more surgical.
Ever been to the Palomino Valley Corrals? On a good day it's almost standing room only. There is WAY to fucking many feral Horses around here.
I advocate for a hunting season on them. Cheaper and more surgical.
The low count on how many are in Nevada is 40,000. We got plenty. A couple of hundred going to a glue factory is a good thing. This year will be a banner birth year. The rains we got about 3 weeks ago have every strand of grass 6 inches high right now. As long as there is a semi decent snow pack there will not be the usual die offs this year and the population will probably go to 50,000.
They are not native here and quite frankly should be eradicated. I'd rather have the deer and elk herds back to their historical sizes.
It casts about $300 per month per horse to take care of them. My boss has 6 on his 40 acres and his wife want's more…
Don't get me wrong. They are an awesome animal. I love horses but to let them run in this barren desert until they get so many that they are starving to death is just fucking cruel. They will stay in the hills until they get chased out and then there is a huge rash of people hitting them with their cars as the try to go to other places. This desert can sustain about 20,000 with few issues but get the number higher than that and there are many issues. It becomes a war for territory.
Yes. DS needs DS'ing.
You couldn't break one of those mustangs if you tried. You gotta get them young to make them saddle worthy otherwise they'll just throw you and stomp your head if you can even get the saddle on them.
I have a herd at work that uses the sprinklers in our landscaping as their water source. They are all cool and won't do anything to you but spook one and the thunder starts and they don't giva shit what they run over/into.
Welcome Anon.
They are pretty cool to see. Their "society" is funny. One day one Mare is in charge then the next you see him alone and dejected walking down the trail. The mares fight constantly over herds of females and water rights to the few springs in the hills. Which they fuck up for the rest of the animals that use them. They roll in them and break the natural dams that pool it up. Contaminate the water and they shit everywhere.
I've spent a lot of time out there with them doing mining stuff.
I have room for one or two just not the money nor desire. Spouceanon does rescue cats and dogs and that's plenty of picking up shit for me.