Justin Trudeau
Officiel du gouvernement - Canada
.@MegBergin My tattoo is planet Earth inside a Haida raven. The globe I got when I was 23; the Robert Davidson raven for my 40th birthday.
Haida Raven
While frequently described as a "trickster", Haidas believe Raven, or Yáahl to be a complex reflection of one's own self. … Raven has been described as the greediest, most lecherous and mischievous creature known to the Haida, but at the same time Raven often helps humans in our encounters with other supernatural beings.
Robert Davidson raven
Description by Artist: ‘Raven Bringing Light to the World’ – “There was a period of darkness, and Raven knew about a chief who owned the sun, moon and stars. So he went to visit this chief, but the chief was very protective of owning the sun moon and stars, so the Raven had to find a way to be devious, and he actually showed up as a baby through the chief’s daughter, and the Raven, being a supernatural being, grew very quickly. He would call out to the chief, ‘Moon! Moo-oo—oon!’ and eventually the chief got tired [of the crying] and just gave him the moon, and then he flew up and became the bird and carried the moon through the smoke hole in the house and placed it where the moon is. It’s interesting because the moon seemed to be a lot more important than the sun in many of our stories. He also got the sun and placed it where it is now.”
Art: https://nativecanadianarts.com/gallery/raven-bringing-light-world/
Trudea's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CV5wA_8LWUe/
I don't know if there is some sort of deeper symbolism here, but on surface level it seems to suggest that Trudeau sees himself as a trickster, greedy, and much darker on the inside than he appears on the outside.
It's always about the symbolism with these idiots.