I am Prime Creator, you call me God or Father, you give me different names. I am here to deliver a message to all of you. As I spoke to you last time, a lot of things have changed in this world, where you are now.
First of all, you had experienced two in a half months lockout at your home. You lost your income, your freedom and you have been told and forced to stay at your place. Today, I would like to talk about it, what’s going on right now here on Mother Earth, as I mentioned before, she is in 5th dimension and she left behind only her shadow, this is what you see right now in this 3D reality.
I want to bring to your attention that a lot of events are happening in the world and in your neighborhood at this moment. Please, understand and be careful on how you express yourself about the way you feel and stand up for your violated rights. I ask for you to do this in a peaceful way, I know many of you are doing this without violence. While the Dark Ones as usual trying to attack you and your neighbors by creating riots and destroying other people’s property, so please be aware of that and stay away from the ones, who are trying create more problems in this world right now.
What is starting to happen now is the timelines are separating, what does that mean, it means the 3D timeline is separating from 5D timeline, so the people on Earth who are not awake, they are going to be left behind and the ones who are awake they are in transition to 5D and they will be moving forward. I would like to let you know that my original plan was to bring to Ascension all of the Humanity at the same time. Me and the rest of my crew, The Galactic Federation, Counselors and etc., we came to understanding that this is not possible now to ascend all of the beings on the planet Earth at the same time. Many of you are still asleep or half asleep and some of you are awake, it would be unfair to the ones, who are awake to keep them here on this planet in 3D reality by waiting for the other ones to catch up. We send a lot of energies to Earth to speed up this Ascension Process, but unfortunately even that didn’t help to wake up certain ones, their preferences on a subconscious level is to stay asleep, because of your free will, we can’t force on you the Ascension Process. We need to give you a chance to come and ascend in your own time, when you are ready to ascend.
In the meantime, I want to tell you that I put together a plan, which consists of 5 stages of ascending. The first stage as you know are light workers, light warriors, starseeds and etc., who are the first ones in line for Ascension. They are the ones who are doing most of the work at this moment, they are trying to help and bring this world to Ascension to fifth dimension. You would like to know what are they doing, they are preparing the foundation on this planet by doing spiritual cleansing by removing all of the negative energies and negative entities, what are here right now on Mother Gaia. A lot of work has been done, but the Negative Ones still sneak themselves in and are trying to disturb our work.
As I mentioned, there will be 5 stages of Ascension. The first one you know now who it will be, then there will be second, third, fourth and fifth stage, so each of you will have fives chances to ascend, if you are ready to ascend, if not, then you are going to go and repeat your life either on the same or on a different planet, but it’s going to be 3D density planet. We can’t and we are not suppose to enforce on you against your free will this process, unless you did the work by raising your vibration with meditation and are ready to go through with this process by advancing forward to Ascension.
I am Prime Creator and I would like to express my gratitude to all of the light warriors, who are working so hard and preparing the foundation for us to step in. Many of them are doing all this work and are not even aware that they are the only ones doing the work at this present moment on Gaia. These light workers are removing and cleaning all of the energies that carry negativity, which are preventing you and the rest humanity from reaching Ascension. They are like little bees, who are flying from flower to flower and bringing their light and cleansing all of the impurities in their way, so please be patient and understand.
I know you heard many times and are tired of hearing about the process that we are moving to Ascension and that we are going to have soon the Nesara Gesara Republic without seeing results.