quitting QR is easy….did it a thousand times
>ID found in car
sounds like the 911 'terrorist's' passport found …and yet they still buy that one
Bill Cunningham just admitted the 2020 election was stolen but we have to stand up and fight at some point….so says the great american ;
nice digits…too bad city whites don't give a fuck about themselves and feel guilty enough to let themselves be run over
person of interest = person of color ; whitey would already be caught, or blared ID everywhere ; change my mind
repeal the 19th amendment : for the love of civilization
you might be sleeping with it every night …know your enemy
some kind of ism…..God did bless their souls
whose turn is it to watch her?
durham could be totally fake, as it does not matter much anymore …the cat is out of the bag already …the horseiisi out of the barn; pandora dropped her box
now that is quality thinking…..anons should dig that thought
"Roots" was boomer tenderizer that has manifest …
should be remodeled and called the KR-17
>Amirite? Rittenhouse 15,
this is all just too much science for me ; g'nite