they always throw candy at town parades up north. Never went to a parade around chicago area were they didnt.
how do leopard, mice or frogs, etc tell each other apart? the have a way to notice the differences in each other?
pic guy is missing that ability. something is shortwired in his head that makes any 2 humans with 2 eyes, 1 mouth and a nose look the same.
pretty sure this is tha e same guy that had a website back in 2008 and used to post on MySpace about this.
I'm sure theres a mental doiagnosis for this lack of pattern recognition but pretty sure hes not a shill, just a poor lost soul.
imagine thinking MM & NP are similar. Can he even recognize his mother apart from random street lady?
do not mock him, pity him
you tards think thata a pic of wisconsin?
how do so many shit fer brains wind up here?
kinda weird
i buy a special gun and its serial number is 8666
i get my 1st iphone and the number is 666
>your ability to concisely and clearly transfer information is
then how were you able to reply?
>Poso is checkmarked. That tweet isnโt, itโs likely fake & ghey.
there are other clues where you wouldnt have to guess
Posobic vs Posobiec
>Judging by your poast count
you must be new here
just said nobody voted for trump to trigger you since you were so mad
now sit back back while i post 20 moar rapid fire dank memes to amuse you
>Enjoy your fucking breakfast assholes.
i dont have assholes for breakfast
i have them for lunch
>Vocaroo of the audio:
>Vocaroo of the audio:
fuck off shill
you had you slide already
i dont usually save gore
but this is a keeper :)
theres things going on we dont know