Dude needs to start taking magnesium chloride at upper tolerable dose and scale back as needed. (Mg causes the shits when you get too much. Just scale back by a teaspoon and maintain until bowel symptoms return. Lather, rinse, repeat. Mg will help you sleep and allow your brain to manufacture all the feel good chemicals you need. If you're not getting Sun you also need about 10,000 iu/per day of vitamin D3 + K2. Give both of those one month and you'll be a new man. Mg will need to be supplemented for life because we burn it every day. Stress causes depletion too. Our food and diets are Mg poor even if you eat well. .
So you grokked that it is consumed but still manage to be a greasy skid mark in the collective underwear of society.
Good 5 minute read about normies waking up.
We are — suddenly — not alone
Published November 15, 2021 5:19 am by Claire
I’m pausing the “Our job” series to talk about what’s going on now, which is so bad it might become good.
When you thought about your line in the sand I’ll bet you never thought about this.
I bet you thought about gun confiscation or internment camps or invasion by blue-helmeted “peacekeepers.” Maybe you believed your line in the sand would be reached if your religion was outlawed or your son or daughter was drafted to fight in one of the empire’s future foreign wars. Your personal line in the sand could be any one, or two, or three of a million acts of government overreach.
But who thought of this?