From last Bread:
>Q has defined that if RR is clean, then RM is clean, and vice versa.
That's not what Q said at all:
Not only that, he very specifically mentioned, yesterday, that if RR refuses to RECUSE himself, he's going to have to get axed.
RR/RM have invisible shock collars on. They're going to do what they are told to do, or the boss is going to make certain they'll regret it the rest of their lives. The REAL kicker, is, are they JUST NOW realizing this, or have they known it since they were appointed?
My money is on the fact that RR/RM haven't been flipped this whole time, but that it actually happened YESTERDAY, hence Q's post about "Is he going to recuse or am I going to have to fire that mother fucker?".
Guarantee you that even RM/RR thought everything was a "LARP" re: Q until just yesterday.