Thank you, Baker.
>Making People More Prone to HIV, Shingles and Herpes
HIV just means AIDS which means that the vax demolishes the immune system. As for shingles, that happens to people who have not had chickenpox in childhood because they got vaxxed for it. And herpes simplex is endemic in over half of the population. It causes cold sores.
In short, the vax turns minor and normally non-fatal conditions into bioweapons. The vax is thus itself a bioweapon.
Hepatitus A affects the liver. Is this a side effect of the vax? What is in the booster shots?
>will there be any trust of M.D.s and the med system left?
Nope. The Plan is to destroy Big Pharma and herald a new age of natural medicine.
Maybe it would be more accurate to say that blacks are human but non-blacks are superhuman.
Hey. Big Boy. You're four minutes late.
This is a very good article. She sounds like one of us.
That it’s an ineffective treatment unworthy of the appellation “vaccine,” and the most dangerous pseudo-vaccine ever produced only make the current moment more surreal. That the orders disregard all issues of freedom, conscience, epidemiology, law, common sense, and science … yeah, that’s surreal, too. All that contributes to the line-in-sand. But the deep, universal issue, so defiantly expressed by protestors is “my body, my choice.”
By ourselves, we’ve rarely ever been more than a curiosity, an annoyance, or one aspect of the vast, mostly imaginary “domestic terrorist” bogeyman.
Millions are just ordinary people who’ve had enough. Who will go no farther. And who are willing to risk all.
And that’s big.
It’s hard to say how big. But big.
A stupid, venal, corrupt, and now senile president lectures us as if he were supervising five-year-olds. An energy secretary shrugs, laughs, and says she can’t do anything about energy. A transportation secretary takes endless leave during the biggest supply line crisis ever, returning briefly to give another helpless shrug and say we’ll just have to live with things as they are. A nutty fan of the old Soviet Union is nominated to regulate banks. People with no clinical experience or credibility claim authority over our health. A woman who qualifies for office solely by virtue of her sex and combo of races brays, giggles, over-acts, and expounds on global issues with all the wisdom of a contestant in a minor beauty pageant. Various apparatchiks tell us first that inflation is temporary, then that it’s good for us, then that it’s our fault because we buy too much, and always that it’s not really a big deal because of course all the right people can afford to pay more for food and fuel. The peasants (and their children) wear masks and serve the elite, who party on … and on … and on.
>and the life expectancy of said period?
Do you believe that the stats on life expectancy are not rigged?
>In Australia, the army is being used to take people to camps.
Video or it ain't happening.
I used to make my own beer. Never really got the hang of it but I made one batch that was the very best beer I ever had. Wish I knew what I did right. Perfect amount of carbonation, perfect hop balance. It was heavenly while it lasted.
True. One must fight against one's biases in order to objectively evaluate the truth. It is a skill that must be learned over time. Did men walk on the moon in 1969? Some say no. What to believe? I don't know. Nobody has the final word on the matter so perhaps the question might never be settled. I'm okay with that.
A talking head doesn't count. These people are playing games with us. We need to see video of the army actually herding people into the camps. And not a CGI video either.
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Great article. The attempt by the elites to starve us out will fail.
And I woke up thinking: you know, part of this is that if the left is hoping to hit the economy really hard with a hammer till the wheels come off, it’s probably getting frustrating about now.
Let me explain: to some extent this plan is always stupid because humans are resourceful. Even back in the seventies, in Portugal when the bakers kept going on strike (and to understand how much this touched the normal person, you have to understand that back then we were used to getting our bread delivered to the door before we woke up. Tie a bag to the back door, leave a note of what you wanted, wake up to crackling fresh rolls and baguettes. This is one the things I really missed when I moved here. Then I found bread machines, and made do.) The first couple of weeks were pandemonium and people were deeply unhappy because their routine — worse, their waking up routine — was disrupted.
And then things… changed. So, some people started making their own bread. Some people started making their own bread, other people heard and suddenly they were showing up at the back door and placing an order for the morning, then coming in the morning and knocking a certain way to receive your order. It was annoying, but life went on, and not everyone had to bake their own bread anyway.
Oh, and bonus, you didn’t have to pay taxes on the bread you sold. You were obliging your neighbors, and if they wanted to give you some money in return to help with expenses, it would be rude to refuse. (And since everyone was doing it, they couldn’t chase everyone, even in a tiny country.) Oh, and to understand this one, and the reason I use this expense, I don’t think people in Portugal had baked their own bread (Other than farmers makign broa) since before Roman times. Artisanal bread wasn’t a thing. But people found a way.
That's beautiful. Dark to Light.
Who killed Big Bird?
Video link:
At 1:50, reporter says it's not terrorism. Driving through a crowd is not a terrorist act? It's just a dude running away from a knife fight? These people are on drugs.
>“Most vaccines take 12 years, they said this would take anywhere from 3-5 but most likely more than 5, and I got it done in less than nine months.”
That sounds like a warning, does it not? It is the people's choice to not heed the warning.
Pick your preferred narrative:
>It saved millions of lives all over the world.
Yes, he said that. An obvious exaggeration.
Was it meant to be believed? You decide.
>You're a fucking idiot if you think that was code.
Maybe it was. Maybe it wasn't. If you have a better explanation then give it instead of raising your blood pressure in a failed attempt to arouse me. Does it feel good to call me names? If so, then I'm happy for you. Go take a cold shower.
>fucking retards, they used to think ALL kinds of crazy shit over 100 years ago.
We think all kinds of crazy shit now. We believe that a virus in a small neighborhood in Wuhan can infect the entire world. How dumb is that?