Why don't you at least add Genrikh Yagoda name to your bot's memes?
No wonder dayshift sucks so fucking much. Just saturated with neurotic pissed off idiot women who don't like men's satire. Dragging all the keks out of the board for weeks.
Let's just go on ahead and, be a woman for a second. Now , i'm a woman that wants something, mkay. What I will do as a woman is fucking torture the nearest man to me with nagging and emotion until that man does what I the woman want him to do. I will not lift a fucking finger to do what my prerogative is, I will MAKE a man do it for me, or that man is not a manโฆ..neurotic psychos.
>skipping school
For what? What you think this is 1990's? They do whatever they want, they smoke weed, they fuck, they kill in the schools. No more need to leave the schools for nothing. And all they need is a phone now and they can be brainwashed anywhere at anytime.
Still don't know what the fuck 66 million is. Might want to put that in somewhere.