Solar Storm Warning: Flares Are Heading Towards the Earth, Could It Take Down Communications Lines Worldwide?
Experts have predicted a probable solar storm this weekend due to the advent of a flood of solar winds.
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) captured photos of the Sun's corona, which shows a big "coronal hole" in the Sun's outer atmosphere.
A rush of "gaseous material" from the hole is expected to reach the Earth between Saturday and Sunday.
Solar Storm Incoming
According to, solar flares might produce minor geomagnetic disruptions in Earth's magnetosphere. The magnetosphere is the region of space where the planet's magnetic field is located.
A constant stream of plasma rushes forth from the Sun's corona, forming solar winds.
Plasma is made up primarily of free-flowing electrons and protons.
The streams can escape the Sun's corona, which may reach temperatures of 1.1 million degrees Celsius.
The source of most solar wind emissions is assumed to be coronal holes.
What an Intense Solar Weather Can Do
The National Weather Service's space weather division is becoming increasingly important. It will continue to grow as we better understand the Sun's physical processes and their effects on Earth and space.
Solar flares, coronal holes, and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) may discharge large bursts of radiation, high-speed electrons and protons, and other extremely energetic particles from the Sun, which are occasionally targeted towards Earth.