The Erie County, NY, Family Court, ECDSS (CPS), Catholic Charities, Salvation Army, the Erie County Sheriff's Office, Buffalo Police, Cheektowaga Police and more are involved…
FBI is involved, also… James Comey, is giving "FBI Honors" to a shitty Family Court Judge, Lisa Bloch-Rodwin? Why? Comey, also appointed the FBI Director in Buffalo. Adam S. (((Cohen)))… Michele Brown-(((Cohen))) runs Buffalo Children's Legal, and is good pals with Steve Pigeon, who was her campaign manager, that was raided by the FBI and was a NXIVM publicist. Michele Brown-Cohen, is CURRENTLY covering up the abuse and molestation of one of her own clients, and sabotaging the innocent father's relationship with his daughter, who is being abused and molested by the mother and her new husband. Did I mention the couple molesting the kid is FAMILY FRIENDS with one of the judges who oversaw the case for years, refusing to recuse, and one of them is related to Justice John Roberts of the Supreme Court (who is also from Buffalo)?