Anonymous ID: 3f7096 May 22, 2018, 10:14 a.m. No.1506349   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6356 >>6380 >>6395 >>6636 >>6736 >>6761 >>6809 >>7101

So Q has dropped again…



Slowly & carefully.


So I did read it again, carefully, and I think I can see that MOAB is actually in Utah.


This is the Mother Of All Bad-guy-prosecutions

You have the US Attorney in Utah

Who can empanel a grand jury in Utah

Who works closely with the IG

And can examine not only current employees

But also former ones which means the Obama adminstration

As well as ones who resigned or were fired recently

And there can still be a special counsel appointed in addition

Which would give the possibility

To choose whether a case goes to grand jury

For a quick prosecution

Or goes to special counsel

For a delayed result

The optics of certain people being convicted

Would be bad for Trump

So give those to a special counsel

And after some of the traitors

Go to the grand jury

And to trial in Utah

And are convicted and sentenced to capital punishment

They will go before a firing squad

Those delayed case perps

Will have much stronger motives

To commit suicide

And save Trump from bad optics

Of prosecuting them

The whole affair

Will look like a team of Sessions' people

Prosecuting criminals across the spectrum

While Trump rises above it all

And fixes problems

Rebuilds America's infrastructure

And brings peace to a troubled world.


Anonymous ID: 3f7096 May 22, 2018, 10:23 a.m. No.1506423   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6749



Could it be

That even though congress passed a law

Allowing the media to print lies and propaganda

The FCC regulations were not changed

And now Trump is using those regs

To clean up the FakeNews

After using his laser pointer

To encourage them into bolder and riskier lies?


Oh those stupid cats!

They really are dumb.


Did you know what DUMB means?

It means "unable to speak".

They were warned

And now they are being SHUT UP and are unable to speak.



Anonymous ID: 3f7096 May 22, 2018, 10:46 a.m. No.1506665   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6686



Seems that somebody has been triggered?

Abortion is evil

Babies are good

What did you think all those Baker Babes are baking

In their ovens???

Babies, of course

It's why we love them

Anonymous ID: 3f7096 May 22, 2018, 10:55 a.m. No.1506767   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The problem is that they are closet pedophiles

So when they see babies

They get triggered

And spew out their venom

They are snakes hiding among us

Trying to encourage us to look at beautiful girls

And think only of sex

When someone comes along and suggests

That sex leads to babies

Which lead to love

To families

To the fullness of life

And to future generations

The demons are triggered

They want to control our narrative

Anonymous ID: 3f7096 May 22, 2018, 11:04 a.m. No.1506857   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Trump has no intention of cutting regulations

What he is doing, is searching for regs

That funnel money into Democrat pockets

Where kickbacks are paid to the DNC or the Clinton Foundation

And he is getting rid of THOSE REGULATIONS

Because those ones are really scams

Hidden under the guise of regulations.

He has made 1 new regulation for every 20

Regs that he removed

Because there are that many scams

Regulations should serve the people

Not crooked politicians