Anonymous ID: 8e6153 May 22, 2018, 10:31 a.m. No.1506515   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I love the empathy in redpilling post. Love it, but not sure howvto use it. I dont know if my take is the same, but I know for some hard-headed ppl, like myself, sometimes love has to be tough and life and truth needs to knock you face down in the mud before you finally come to the realization of the truth. Sometimes ppl need to feel pain before their is a paradigm shift. Doesnt mean we dont come along side them, and help them carry their load, but to heal, the journey thru the pain must be full and complete and I agree, only they alone can only travel their journey. Life is hard. That's a reality. Maybe I'm just too mean and callous because I just dont feel that empathy toward them. I love the idea, but I dont feel it. Just being truthful. I'm not into "I told ya so" but I'm not gonna coddle folks who refused to see what was right before their very eyes from the beginning, either. It's for their own good that they suffer it. Our nation has to toughen up if we are to survive. Thank you, Redpill Socratic anon. I love what you said, but I needed life to totally devastate me before I was unblinded and instantly knew truth. It's a hard thing to know what to do. Am I wrong?