malikah shabazz reportedly requested meeting at russian embassy NYC just 2hrs before she was found dead
malikah shabazz reportedly requested meeting at russian embassy NYC just 2hrs before she was found dead
pretty sure you're a jackass. AS IF rinos don't rig elections. AS IF there aren't enough brainwashed tards to vote for DS criminals.
then are you prepared to convict by association? 'cause that would extend to (You), too, by transitive property.
or you throwing ron under the bus too, and abandoning 8kun (pls say yes)?
>Are you prepared to sidestep the whole Muh Consensus accusation?
yeah, 'cause it wasn't ME, fuckwit. next time look at ID's before you post retarded shit.
>You replied to all the Anons that chided the Muh Consensus claim.
i replied to FOUR tards throwing lin wood under the bus.
YOU are desperate grasping at straws by immature child too weak to admit mistake. grow up.