Malcolm X Daughter Sought Russian Consulate Meeting—Two Hours Later She's Dead
As to be expected, vast portions of this transcript dealing with Malikah Shabazz are classified at the highest level “Of Special Importance”—but in the limited portions of this transcript permitted to be openly discussed among various ministries, it reveals that she was the 56-year-old daughter of assassinated American civil rights leader Malcolm X—and whose reason for contacting the Russian consulate in New York City, as best as can be pieced together, involves the FBI last week exonerating her father’s assassins linked to radical black Islamic leader Louis Farrakhan—the secret hidden ties between socialist President Barack Hussein Obama and Louis Farrahkan—and why Obama received a staggering $100-millon from leftist multi-billionaire tech mogul Jeff Bezos yesterday—the latter of which appears to what caused her to reach out to Russian authorities.
In 1995, this report continues, Qubilah Shabazz, another daughter of Malcolm X, and older sister of Malikah Shabazz, was arrested and charged for conspiring to kill Louis Farrakhan when she hired a hit man to exact revenge—and were charges never allowed into court because she was forced to accept a plea deal and take psychiatric drugs to destroy her mind.
On 3 December 1964, this report concludes, Malcolm X made a surprise visit to Oxford University, in London, to deliver an address—an address wherein he told black Americans they would be respected by whites if they began defending themselves—then afterwards it saw him stunning everyone with the revelation “They’re going to kill me soon”—a stunning revelation preceded by Malcolm X slamming socialist Democrats for only using blacks for votes, and doing nothing for them after elected—before he was brutally assassinated saw his closest friends revealing: “Malcolm’s ideas were in a process of transition…He was moving away from a narrow and claustrophobic form of identity politics that had become politically crippling…He broke with black separatism in public, declaring that intermarriages between races were fine and that black and white people had to get together and fight the system”—a vision of American black and white unity Malcolm X added to with declarations like “Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery” and “If you’re not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing”—are declarations as true for Kenosha today as they were Malcolm X during his times—which makes it no wonder why Biden and socialist demons would kill anyone even daring to do anything to remind Americans, especially blacks, who Malcolm X was and what he really stood for. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]