>let the shitposting commence
>Dark to Light.
When a new Pope is elected the Vatican pumps out a smoke signal (literally)
Dark smoke = no Pope yet elected
Light smoke = Pope elected
>As usual it is a Cabal warning of what they PLANNED to do.
So, was the Cabal planning a Sky Event ?
In the film Angels and Demons, the sky event was the antimatter device exploding in the sky above the Vatican
Was the Cabal Sky Event going to an atmospheric or ground detonation of a nuke ?
(Sum of all Fears ?)
Or EMP device ?
Remember the fear porn news that North Korea was going to air-burst an EMP nuke above America ?
Or perhaps the Sky Event was Project BlueBeam which had alien/religious overtones such as Jesus holograms and voice to skull transmissions of God's voice ?
Lucy in the sky with diamonds ?
The Beatles were into dark shit !
Is this linked to Baal ?
Lucy is Lucifer ?
Devil worship/black magick ?
Man who fell to Earth ?
I have no idea, except it was a David Bowie movie: he was an alien who fell to Earth…..
>Tell me that is not a dude face.
When Hillary is frazzled and needs a new face, she finds a random kid and cuts it off, literally
oy guvna, I had a quick butcher's at your post before I had a bo peep
I don’t feel too good this morning…I was elephant’s last night
I like havin' a giraffe !
Anyways mate,here's a riddle
Q; What's black and Muslim and eats fish n chips ?
A: 90% of England
>Have anons ever sauced this shit?
Yes…long ago
Q was supposedly going to drop the Frazzled/rip video of Hillary & Huma wearing the kids face, but it never happened
The video was in the "Insurance" files on the Wiener laptop that the NYPD has
NYPD was going to release it too…but it never happened
Several cops who supposedly viewed the Hillary Huma video were 187'd or "suicided"
Wash rinse repeat….now they have Hunter's laptops and they won't release all the damning pedo/corruption evidence on them either
Same shit different day in clown world
>I fucking hate them both so much.
I hear you man !
Those 2 are ugly bitch harpies
>we are never going to know
you are right, anon
the list of fuckery is long and we are like mushrooms…..kept in the dark and fed on shit
>a big island but ever fucker is coming to london, bit like the certain places in the U.S
It's all part of the grand plan to flood Europe and Western nations with low IQ brown people
Insert the parasites and destroy those white societies from within
Thanks George Soros et al
>old stuff being passed of as new shit,
the fog of war…
lots of the older research stuff has been memory-holed…new anons will never see that old research, sadly
Become ungovernable !
Would be a shame if those Australian internment camps burnt to the ground
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