‘When the Law is breaking the Law, there is no Law’
Unholstered big guns.
Funny you bring this up.
Trying to work with a friend who does Constitutional classes, and i want to work up an illustrated version. An anon here suggested using memes. At first it sounded a bit tongue-n- cheek… but on second thought it actually makes a shitton of sense.
For both kids and adults who really don’t know what is being said between the Declaration, Constitution, and Bill of Rights… a meme (depicting an unreasonable search, or a cruel punishment) can convey a large idea real quick which is otherwise too time consuming for most people these days, to go through all the different companion readers and legalweeds.
Thisanon is of mind that MOST ‘legal’ things are infact unlawful. The general population being denied a helpful and useful access to understanding how the Constitution was supposed to work, instead being conditioned for this upsidedown world, and the inevitable societal breakdown to come from that… is THE greatest failure of Government and the concept of their responsibility to tranquility.
Shits gonna get real bumpy, and can just see it now all those fucking Gov people will be shrugging their shoulders.
Some serious work needs to be done on demonstrating/illustrating how [they] have gamed to game against the Lawful.