Big switch?
This Hancock fuck. Is this the guy who was Kyle's "spokesperson I saw on TC?
John Elway does the commercial talking about this. Some kind of treatment I think.
I'm gonna write out a few right now. What a bunch of dumb motherfuckers.
I think these idiots got what they bargained for. There was no reason to do what they did. If they were so fucking concerned about "theft" they should have called the Police. The old man is a former Police Officer. No, instead they chase down this guy and wound up killing him. The young man did go into a house that was under construction but who the hell hasn't done that?
The thing that bothers me the most about this is the attitude of the black people at the courthouse, not all but enough, that cheered and acted as though it was some kind of a win. There were no winners in this tragedy. A young balck man was killed for no good reason and now these 3 dumbasses are going to spen the rest of their lives in prison as convicted murderers.
Just came off to me as "we got one against those white motherfuckers". There was one Black Gentleman there and he basically stated it the way that a normal person should look at this. I'm paraphrasing but it was something like, "no parent, black or white, should have to go through this". Well, on the positive side of things, BLM won't have to show it's marxist ass on this one. Although they are severly retarded and just may. One never knows about these things when it comes to severely retarded, marxist niggers.
FJB. The man has been a walking, talking FUCK UP since he came on the scene back in the 60's. Always been a fucking mouth.
Barrett and Kavanaugh both. Goersuch appears to be pretty solid. Roberts? He's pussy. Alito and Thomas are SOLID.
>Black people were raised to hate White people and to blame them for every single problem that they ever had in their lives.
Not all. A small percentage perhaps. People are people. Everyone, no matter the color of your skin has the benefit of the doubt with me. I'll show you respect and hopefully you'll show respect for me for doing so. Until you prove me wrong.