He hung himself with paper sheets and clothes
Many of us are. I just ignore them and don't socialize. Christmas cards and birthday cards just to let them know I care.
Actually more like a pay per view title bout.
Not everyone can listen in, after all the fucking sheep might ask questions after hearing about their political leaders, CEOs, Celebrities diddling little boys and girls.
No!! however acting on that thought would be.
Our Hardest job will be to help all the Normies not give in to the desire to lynch this bunch. Why do you think Kamel Toes and Spartacus Booker wanted an anti-lynching law. Just in case things went south on them (Pun Intended).
Agree Anon, When it came out, the first thing I thought was damn they stole Kunta Kinte when he was young. Then I did a lot of research and found out that most of the story was BS, The slave traders were Arabs (Still are), The status of the "white" Irish and English slaves that formed the backbone of appalachia was completely ignored (Now I know why they hate the West Virginians). The fact that up until FDR the country was making progress on racial integration and then the big switch happened. Was personally aware that all the big city housing projects sponsored by LBJ and the dems turned into Urban Plantations in the early 70's. Making Progress in the 80's and then the bush-clinton crime machine took over and we were back to a divide by race culture, now divide by every label you can think of culture.
Unfortunately these homos were not in Wisconsin celebrating the fact that self defense is still a valid concept under the law. After all self defense now becomes a potent legal protection that benefits Americans regardless of Race or Creed.
Huckster gonna Huck!!!
You cannot be investigated for evading taxes in the millions unless you make millions. The only way this faggot stays in business is show up and take credit on the MSM for something he had no part in helping.
Invented for the physically capable but mental retards sent to college as a way to make money by the administrators.
Hey self-Righteous Prig GFY. Wanting and then controlling not to take action is called overcoming.
By the way Michael is an angel not a human and you presume much speaking for him without having had a conversation over a good beer.
Naah they abide by the Jury. Riots are unlawful, however a well formed militia is not. When the law is no longer lawful guess what they do with those militias ?
Based on my experience, there are just as many white kids with diplomas who can't read or write, nor can they add or subtract.
Well I see the KKK shills came to the board today. You forgot your sheet, rope and dunce cap.
Florida has four seasons:
Rainy and Hot, Rainy and Cool, Sunny and Dry Hot, Sunny and Dry Cool
Well Lin Wood has made some very targeted accusations, with no one even responding that he is full of shit. So I will assume his role is to be the Town Cryer for misdeeds, high crimes and misdemeanors.
Still a self-righteous prig. Special room for you in heaven. Never presume what I hate, you judge and will be judged. Me I'll leave that up to the Good Lord.
Said this yesterday. After watching video, it was clear this peckerwood went left to not get any band instruments caught in that car undercarriage and then after band went right onto the main roadbed and sped up. This was premeditated, but not what people think. This whacko was triggered as in MK-Ultra triggered. Bet he has no memory until after hitting some people.
Naah, just an American which is more than we can say for you bigoted shills.
Go bother 4chan for a while, your shits not working here, we are just not as nasty as them.
Well. All this anon can say is that as a younger tadpole I pretty much hated everyone. I thought they are all stupid and cannot see how they are being manipulated by teachers, pastors, news reporters, parents.
As I grew legs, I realized they can't help themselves and enclosed what I know inside unless another individual responded to a two sided question with an answer that indicated they understood their was a second side. Sad to report list of close frogs is less than one hand full of fingers. Autists here make me feel like a tadpole again.
No one that I know was handed an insert, they were lining up like the sheep they are to get the jab at hospital drive ups, clinics, now pharmacies.
Go Woke Go Broke. This group of leeches should have been put out of business decades ago. You think those kettles of donations do anything worthwhile ? If I give to others I do it directly or food and clothing. These middlemen organizations are as corrupt as fuck-all.