Before Rittenhouse decision, Obama gave speech in which he clearly made "errors" and preceded to tell the people (especially the young people) to "get angry".
Obama gave out TWO key phrases that were easily latched on to.
Most people would just shrug it off as being an innocent mistake; but I believe Obama (or at the very least his handlers) is smarter than that.
Notice the area in which the attack occurred.
There is a joke/magic shop that is next door to a theater performance troupe. They have the Laughing Crying masks.
Then directly across the street from that shop is a theater with Laughing Crying masks as well.
Then, on the corner of Broadway and Main is a shop called the PICKY PICKY RETAIL SHOP. There is a piece of GREEN poster board out front that says absolutely nothing, and then there is a face of a Leprechaun in the window.
Also, I had noticed that next door to the PICKY PICKY is a Jewelry Repair shop just down Grand.
Also, The name of the building that the PICKY PICKY is in is called The Putney Building.
It's one of those old MASONIC type of buildings with fantastic stone mason work.
Frank Putney apparently could trace his lineage back to the Salem Witch trials.
Information pertaining towards Putney being connected to Salem Witch Trials comes from a Ghost Hunter's website.
Putney Block Building
Same thing happened with Obama's hand during the Bilderberg Speech in Belgium in 2016.
The digital fuckery comes from a similar color between the background and the primary image.
Has something to do with the camera trying to focus, and instead adjusts the color to the almost same color throughout and the primary image disappears into the background.
Camera Anons know better than me, but this is how they explained Obama's missing arm.
Old black lady falls down and can't get back up.
Old black lady begs to be helped and grabs a hold of Donald Trump's arm, but Trump rips his arm from her grasp saying: "Let go of me, you old Black HAG!"
The old lady lays down on the ground in tears, because no one will help her up!