>profit motive
literally his only ethos
pretty much anyone left here taking this stupid shit seriously, like you, are motivated by money
so no, that's not what i'd call a patriot, patriots have left this grift and are now doing shit irl… or shitposting here when they're bored because you're all super fun to manipulate
new phone, who's that dude
baker notable
you speak like a woman online
then Q is a stupid faggot
i dont think about bill barr
i member when posts like this actually had weight
now it just sounds like stupid fucking boomers mindlessly repeating shit they saw online
but im sure that's not the case
>Trump supported him
maybe trump is just a billionaire new york pedophile tho
>you made the list
id love for you to come at me you stupid fucking faggot
but i know for a fact you cant
because you larp online
yet, here they are
i dont think you know what's happening
Ron already told the entire world he was done larping as a letter online
it's not our fault people are so pathetic they can't accept reality
tfw you realize literally ALL of the ayylmao shit on the internet is a distraction from the jews
well they are their agents of the nwo but yes, basically
i mean but seriously fuck the chinks
but still
he quite literally admitted to being Q
why are you gaslighting?
oh, because there is no recompense for gaslighting stupid fucking boomers online
you post your shit
it's disproven
you post your stupid fucking shit tomorrow and it's believed
it's game theory, as Q/microchip/Ron said
it's just the long game on the play with the boomers
they got deep pockets, don't they, kike
it's so fucking pathetic that you people think you have any agency here
on this board, that we built
but here you are
and we have left
so it goes
but hey, at least you got pilotarb and posobiac who totally arent the same thing
just watch their responses to understand what is real
it's a highly profitable (for poor people) grift
you have to understand they will fight for your mind until they are burger
it's what trailer trash do online
cool meme nigger
do you see how easy it is to do this
i hope there is one actual person, not jewish, here that will observe how easy this kike board is to play
because this will be important moving forward
they are all quite literally robots