Take your hatred and murder fantasies elsewhere, faggot.
Kek. Cope loser.
Kek it’s all so great. Nothing enrages the Jews more than to have to treat Trump as an equal kek. Thanks for posting those other tweets, I was looking for them but couldn’t find them quickly enough.
Grumpy, why are you so angry that you only post about the Jews (31 times and counting)? Is it that your programmers only gave you one set of input parameters to rage about ie: Jews? You’re like pic attached. Kek!
>Why don't you ask you rabbI
Why don’t you learn proper spelling? Two words in a row misspelled, I thought you were brighter than this you grumpy bastard? Is your Machine learning malfunctioning tonight?
Oh she’s still getting her precious souls..,
Just stop please…
Where’d ya go? You
Disappeared right after I called you out for being grumpy and a programmed bot? Over the target? Snow White disengaged? 37 consecutive posts then you vanish. Kek patheic AI.
Yea except there is no new Q post so why red text “new Q”? Take the L.
Had to recalibrate and download new manuals. I get it.