Anonymous ID: aae45f May 22, 2018, 12:48 p.m. No.1507941   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7988 >>8076 >>8099 >>8174 >>8245 >>8509 >>8641



Her suicide

After the first convicted traitor

Goes before the firing squad in Utah

Hillary will record a suicide note

A video rant

Rambling on about Trump being Stalin

She will be obviously drunk and stoned

Then she will stumble off camera

And the video will keep rolling for a while

Until a young voice is heard in the hall

"Is that thing still going?"

A figure wrapped in a blanket will enter

Quickly move to the camera

And that is the end of the video


Live on Periscope


The next day, the news will report

Hillary Clinton was found dead yesterday afternoon by an aide

The cause is undetermined


People will be partying in the streets that eveing

All across America

Bands will be playing

Ding dong the witch is dead

The wicked witch is dead

People will be screening Wizard of Oz on giant screens

At their block party barbecues

It will be GLORIOUS!

Anonymous ID: aae45f May 22, 2018, 1 p.m. No.1508108   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8304

Th Q photos are hard to check on Google satellite because islands are not fully covered by the cameras.


However, the one with two islands appears to show the island to the south east of Ka-Do island off the east coast just north of PyongYang. The trajectory of the plane means it is flying from the interior of North Korea, towards China. This probably shows that Trump overflew their nuclear research site and that valley with the interesting pyramid shaped hotel that some foreigners have reported being almost empty when they were there. Some people thought the valley with the hotel was a rabbit shape.


Remember that Q told us Trump had never set foot in North Korea, around the time of this flyover.

Anonymous ID: aae45f May 22, 2018, 1:27 p.m. No.1508524   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8594



It's the man behind the curtain

A secret shadowy figure virtually unknown

He has little to no public presence


If I ruled the world

I would work as a gardener,

In dirty ragged clothes

Outside the big wealthy house

Where my surrogate plays the role

Of Queen of Naboo

The junior servants in the house

Would be under strict orders

To shout at me and abuse me ever time they saw me

To criticize the sloppiness of my work

And to spit at me

The Senior servants would be strictly ordered

Never to speak with me

But to treat me like some dirt

And send a junior servant over with any requests


I would have my own private cottage

And never enter the big house

Except through the secret tunnels


If the revolution ever came hunting

For my evil clan

They would rescue me from the clutches

Of my own brutes

Assuring me that such evil would be destroyed


And then I would disappear into the world

And start again

Secure in the knowledge

That noone will ever find me

Noone will ever know who I really am


I am the keeper of all the secrets

Of all the triggers

Of all the hidden places

And treasure troves