Anonymous ID: 1f39ed Nov. 25, 2021, 5:15 p.m. No.15080006   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Sun Tablet Explains why the Great Drought which ended the Bronze Age could not be Prevented by An


The life-growth power of Anu seated on his throne is not flowing through the connective power of Atu (Sun/water disk) because some hidden powers are interrupting that flow.These hidden powers are indicated by the arms of people on the roof pulling the strings controlling the sun power. These hidden powers are being blamed for causing the Great Drought of 1200 BCE.The seated Anu is holding the powers of the universe in his hand, the feminine circle and the masculine rod. Anu is receiving a normal petitioning group guided by a priestess in the rear asking about the extra powerful sun causing the drought. All deities and priestesses have snake-like headresses because snakes represented the power of life and death.