They should make a let’s go Brandon sign that says fuck Joe Biden when looking at it from the side like a holographic kek
> God no. Fuck Flynn.
Maybe if enough anons felt the same way Q would return and tell us to trust Wray and trust Flynn (like Lin Wood, a lifelong Democrat)
Tbh I don’t really understand where Alex Jone’s heart is at.
When Trump first announced he was running Infowars was totally against Trump. They soon changed their tune because of how popular Trump was.
Then a video came out where Alex Jones says he is sick of Trump and Roger Stone and wishes he would’ve never met them.
Now Jones is trying to get a different candidate to run for president instead of Trump (Flynn).
I really don’t get this guy.
The only person I’d vote for instead of Trump is the MyPillow guy. He seems the most likely to give the evil billionaire liberals a Pinochet helicopter ride more than any other person.
So if Mike Lindell ran I would vote for him over Trump.
> I've never trusted AJ
This is what did it for me. He went to the SPLC to talk shit about Trump.
I’m gonna do a bake with original graphic