Those ancient people that lived in what we call Egypt today, used Pharaohs.
At one period of their history, the Pharaoh's, much like Jesus, were the representative of the gods, including Ra… the big kahuna. Today some cultures use a Pope. Whom performs the same function. Each a middle man between the population and God(s).
There is the thought that they were different back then. After all they practiced polytheism. Looking carefully at the adjectives and their sequence in the first thirteen verses of genesis… you may recognize the same adjectives and sequence in the greek creation myth. A myth that includes the birth of various gods and goddesses. Implying the lesson of those first verses are about creation and the origins of various deities. Polytheism.
Anon's favorite perspective is that there are many paths to God. If those in the past marked these path's with lesser deities, whose character describes attributes of the path… so be it.
An alternate perspective is that one should not need a middle man to God. But in the beginning training wheels are often used for the purpose of learning.
Each culture having different perspectives would inherently have different needs in becoming aware of their connection to God. Hence the reason for religions with different means of telling the same truths. Though each do have their zealots, they are in no way the spokes people for their religion.
To deny a culture their path to God, or minimize it due to zealot behavior… well, it never results in net good.
Perhaps it is better to hold others in our heart as human and be happy for them for what ever path to god they are on.
One anon's prayer is another anon's mediation or contemplation.
Much love anons over the holiday… and same to the silly division shills.