hey thats that one chick thats married to that one guy that did that thing a while ago
i don't vote because i'm not retarded
hahaha, great example of "logic"
>ignore everything you've learned about how politics works
>ignore everything you know about how candidates are chosen beforehand
>ignore everything you have observed about how votes are fabricated out of thin air when needed
>ignore all you've seen historically with both parties marching in lock step with the NWO agenda regardless of their fake and gay rhetoric
enjoy paying taxes dipshit
candelabra is a great word
blue anon going for 20% of the bread and you niggers are giving (you)s
hey elaine, is it "statue" or "statute" of limitations?
it's "statute"
well i really think you're wrong
so you just realized that you are a slave?
yeah, i guess that would be frightening to the uninitiated
kek, fucking ebot tho
notent potables
not in this life
8bit left and let everyone know his handoff to fastjack was a massive error
anyone pretending to not know this is fucking stupid
jesus christ you are all so fucking stupid it's painful
8bit hasn't posted here with a trip since he passed the board onto fastjack
fastjack turned out to be aflb from /cbts/
8bit came back and said he fucked up
you are literally talking to leafy you stupid motherfucking boomers
>looks a lot like 8bit to me
8bit does not have a trip
so, the 8 graphic got you all hot and bothered then?
every single time i come to this board i'm reminded of why the masses are too fucking stupid to be free
i hope to see something different, every time
and every time i'm incredibly disappointed
because they arent pussies like soccer players
>you're a fucking dummy, bud
<TOtAlLy sOuNdS LIke 8BiT Tho aNonS
bakers have absolutely no fucking idea who is a bv you stupid fucking jew
you're a liar
like the person larping as 8bit
why should i give a fuck how i sound to someone like you
you are a subversive
kill yourself
tell oss i said hi, kike