the ride never ends
i don't follow any of their bullshit
never wore a mask
never caught the common cold they call covid
any place that required it, i walked out and went somewhere else
faggots didn't get my fuckin' biz
simple as
they're gonna say some shit like people will need more boosters or they got a new version of the vax and it really works this time! we swear!
and the normalfags will go out and get jabbed for the 5th or 6th time until their hearts finally burst and world population has been lowered
fun times ahead
all i know is i was told to enjoy the show so that's what i shall do
they can take the needle and shove it up their ass as far as i'm concerned
that's a hill i'm prepared to die on
guess it's all going to depend on what the tipping point is
tyrants never stop on their own
had a reading competition that was a yearly thing in grade school
read so many books i probably forgot 3/4 of them
first place always got a sweet prize from the monthly prize fair thing they had